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5 Self-Care Ideas for Single Moms

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding things in any woman’s life, but it’s also one of the most exhausting. As a busy mom, especially as a single mom, it’s easy to put your own wants and needs on the back burner for the kids. Not only are you a single mom, but you’re also an employee, a chauffeur, and anything else your little family needs on a daily basis.

Whether you’re a full-time, stay-at-home mom or a full-time worker who is a single mom, there’s always something to do that puts your needs and self-care on the back burner. In this article, you’ll find a few self-care tips for busy moms who are also single.

1. Take a mom’s night out once a month.

When you’re living the single life in the UK or the USA, but that single life includes children, you are probably doing nothing but going to work and coming home at the end of a long, tiring day. While you really need a mom’s night out once a week, as you did with your spouse, for most single moms that’s an unrealistic goal. Instead, make arrangements with a family member to keep the kids one night a week and schedule a mom’s night out. Whether you live in the United States, the United Kingdom, or Northern Ireland, you need some time for yourself because, at the end of the day, you’re a woman as well as a mom, and you need to take care of your own needs and mental health to be a success at everything you do.

2. Treat yourself occasionally for no particular reason.

As a single mom, you probably never treat yourself to anything beyond a cup of coffee from Starbucks on the way to work. Make one of your self-care routines to treat yourself once a month. Whether it’s purchasing those lash extensions you’ve been wanting from Lush Lash or taking a long soak in the tub with the expensive bubble bath you’ve been wanting, doing something for yourself is key to proper self-care. After all, those Lush Lash extensions can be used the first time you go on that mom’s night out with your girlfriends, so that’s a win-win no matter how you look at it.

3. Schedule a day at the spa.

As a single mom, sometimes it’s hard to leave your kids with a family member at night when bedtimes and storytime loom. If you can’t bring yourself to do that, then why not schedule a day at the spa while the kids are in school or daycare? Not only is the spa relaxing, but it also has health benefits because it relieves stress, anxiety and could help with those tension headaches you’ve been getting as well.

4. Take a peaceful morning or evening walk.

There’s something about waking up before anyone in the house, slipping on your shoes, and taking a peaceful walk around the neighborhood that can do wonders to relieve anxiety and clear your head. If you can’t manage morning walks, then try evening walks instead. You can even take the kids on evening adventures around the neighborhood if you can’t bear to leave them.

5. Curl up and read a book or find a virtual book club.

There’s nothing more relaxing than getting lost in a good book. There are also many virtual book clubs out there today that you can join and talk about the book you’re reading with. It helps you relax and lets you contact other adults without leaving the kids and getting dressed up to go out somewhere.

These are just a few ideas for self-care when you’re a busy, single mom. Remember, making time for yourself will only help you be a better mom in the long run.

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