4 Ways to Feel Empowered During Menopause

4 Ways to Feel Empowered During Menopause

You know the feeling all too well of wanting to run out of a grocery store and tear your clothes off just to cool down. You wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Maybe you even snap at people you love for no reason at all. While these are all perfectly normal symptoms of menopause, night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, and more can get a little out of control. For this reason, many women who are experiencing menopause complain about feeling crazy or like they are no longer themselves. The great news is, if this is you, you aren’t alone. If you’re in the middle of menopause and want ways to empower yourself, read on for four ways to get started.

1. Getting Informed


They say that knowledge is power, and it’s true. If you want control over your menopause symptoms, it only makes sense that you learn as much about this very life stage as you can. The great news is that there are many books on menopause all over the internet. These books won’t hold back. They’ll tell you everything you never thought you’d want to know about vaginal dryness, hormone replacement therapy, menopausal women in various cultures, progesterone, menopause transitions, postmenopausal women, and more.

Even better, these books will teach you new ways to feel positive about your menopause symptoms, teach you the meaning of menopause, and are a great way to feel connected with other women your age.

2. Indulging


You’ve come a long way. One way to celebrate your life’s journey so far is to indulge a little. Working every day in the home or on a job, it’s important to splurge on yourself once in a while. Especially during a hard time like menopause, a little indulgence can go a long way. Don’t shop for an ordinary pendant or bracelet. Instead, try to come up with something that’s more personal to you. Do some research on what your jewelry says about your personality, and go from there. By embracing symbols of a life well-lived, we remind ourselves how far we’ve come and can forget, at least for a bit, about the hot flashes.

3. Traveling


You’ve come this far on your journey through life. It only makes sense that the next step might include travel. Think about the places you haven’t been to but always wanted to go. Maybe you’ve spent most of your midlife raising children, worried about retirement, or how much money you had saved for kids’ tuitions. Now, it’s your turn to focus on yourself. During this time of your vindication of natural life, consider taking a trip toward nature. The reconnection with Mother Nature’s roots could do wonders for you.

4. Celebrating the Journey


Birthdays come whether we want them to or not. Instead of dreading the next big one, why not make a fuss? Odds are, you do it for the people you love. You may even spend months researching bombastic birthday party ideas for your family members. Well, why try to find frugal birthday party ideas for you while they all get big parties? It’s your turn. In accepting age and even menopause, it gives us an opportunity to celebrate the journey.

Got a sense of humor? Why not theme your party around hot flashes, menopause symptoms, and all things aging? If you can learn to laugh at what’s bound to pass eventually, you’ll be much closer to not only acceptance but embracing your next phase of life. Consider inviting girlfriends who are the same age or, better, even older, and share some laughs about this journey we call life.

At the end of the day, menopause is simply a normal life stage for women. For as terrible as hot flashes and other symptoms can be, it’s also part of a normal life’s journey. By reminding yourself you are not alone, laughing at the silly moments or mood swings, celebrating major milestones, and doing some indulging, you can get through this like you did puberty and all your other life milestones. Take a deep breath, grab those crushed ice cubes, and make a list today of ways you’ll take back your control. You’ve got this!