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Which ED Treatment is Right For You?

One of the most common men’s health issues is erectile dysfunction. Millions of men every year report suffering from some degree of erectile dysfunction. Even though this health condition is incredibly common, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to deal with for men. While this condition should be more normalized and openly discussed, unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is still highly stigmatized. Many men report feeling shame and embarrassment because of their condition, and this shouldn’t have to be the case. Erectile dysfunction should be more normalized because when men feel more comfortable talking about their condition, they’re more likely to seek treatment with confidence.

There are many reasons why men experience erectile dysfunction, and some of them include serious medical conditions. This is why it’s so important that you seek medical attention if you’re experiencing any degree of ED. Because so many men suffer from erectile dysfunction at some point in their life, treatments for ED have been researched for years. In the past, there were only a few treatment options on the market, and the companies that created these products built a monopoly. This led to incredibly high prices for the few medications that were available. Thankfully, there are new treatments and medications available today as well as telehealth companies that are working to improve access to these treatments for men.

Finding Affordable Treatment Options

Even though treatment options and prescription medications for erectile dysfunction have existed for years, they were often too expensive and inaccessible for the men who really needed them. Treatment of ED should be widely accessible simply because of the sheer number of men who experience the condition. As time has gone on, companies have realized this, and they are working to remedy the inaccessibility of erectile dysfunction treatments. Two of the top brand name ED medications are Viagra and Cialis. These products have been around for years, and they’ve become household names because of how common they are. While the efficacy of these products isn’t being called into question, their affordability can pose a problem for some men.

USARx has created a comprehensive comparison of Viagra vs Cialis for men who are considering their options when it comes to ED medications. Their review of Cialis and Viagra discusses the efficacy of each product, their specific uses, and their potential side effects. USARx also makes it clear that while these products are both used in similar ways, they are not interchangeable. Cialis and Viagra work by targeting the blood flow and muscles that are used during an erection. In order to avoid drug interactions or aggravating your other existing medical conditions, it’s important to meet with your doctor before starting any oral medications. A healthcare provider can help you determine which medication will be the better option of treatment of ED for your specific case.

The Many Causes of ED

The reason that erectile dysfunction is so widely experienced is that it’s actually a common side effect of other medical conditions. One of the main causes of erectile dysfunction is high blood pressure. When you suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, it can affect your overall blood flow, and this can lead to issues with impotence. Because hypertension can lead to even more serious issues than ED, like heart disease, it’s important that you seek treatment with your healthcare provider.

Lifestyle factors can also have a huge impact on men’s sexual health. While high blood pressure is the most common cause, this doesn’t mean men who exercise and eat healthy diets can’t also experience erectile dysfunction. Excessive smoking and alcohol use can also lead to impotence, but these causes are typically seen as acute or short-term. Some of the more surprising causes include stress, anxiety, and depression. In order to determine the exact source of the problem for your specific condition, it’s important that you speak with your healthcare provider.

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